What is Décibelles Data?

It is the database bringing together all the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté’s tourist and attractivity data. All Tourist Offices, Departmental Attractiveness Agencies and Departmental Tourist Committees use it.

Accessible free of charge 24 hours a day to service providers at pros-decibelles-data.tourinsoft.com, it enables rapid updating of all websites, brochures, etc. directly fed into the system.

Take a look at how Décibelles Data works

What is Décibelles Data used for ?

Once your organization or activity is registered in Décibelles Data, you will get more visibility. Only one input for multiple use !

  I am a service provider

How to optimize your visibility on Décibelles Data ?

In Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Tourist Offices and Tourist Attractiveness Agencies or Departmental Tourism Committees are in charge of collecting and updating tourist information. Contact the Tourist Office Pouilly-Bligny to start the process.



Announce your event

Are you organizing one or more events ? Fill in an online questionnaire (in french) to promote your event. It only takes a few minutes. Make sure to fill in all the fields and add your good quality pictures in landscape format. Once the questionnaire is completed and sent, your event will be visible within 24 hours.



I complete the questionnaire to announce my event

Do you have questions regarding Décibelles Data ?

Our Tourist Officers are ready to answer all year long in our two Tourist Information Offices. Contact us if you want to benefit from individual training or a practical workshop.

Are you an association ? contact Valérie

(+33)3 80 20 16 51 or by e-mail at bligny@tourismepouillybligny.fr

Are you an accommodation or a leisure activity ? contact Antoine

(+33)3 80 90 77 36 or at pouilly@tourismepouillybligny.fr

Are you a business/service or site/place to visit? contact Justine

(+33)3 80 90 77 36 or at pouilly@tourismepouillybligny.fr

En résumé