Commercial event
Vide greniers et marché artisanal-Mont st Jean
The Culottes Courtes du Serein are organising a garage sale and craft market on 30 March.
Are your attics and garages overflowing? It's time to sort things out.
Would you like to sign up? It's free! All you have to do is send a message to 06 46 70 77 11 or 06 75 60 21 96 or visit culottescourtesduserein@gmail.com to reserve your space.
Strollers, in addition to the garage sale stalls, local craftspeople will be exhibiting and enlivening the day. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
There will be a refreshment stall where you can eat and have a drink. All profits from the refreshment stall and the short pants stall will be donated to the RPI schools.
Prices & Opening hours
Sunday 30 March from 7am to 6pm