"We are all bearers of knowledge and ignorance".
What is a Knowledge Exchange Network?
A postulate. Everyone knows a lot of things: a lot more than they think, a lot more than society knows. Everyone is ignorant: much more than they know, much more than society knows.
An invitation. Everyone is invited to ask for and seek out knowledge, and to offer it.
A commitment, actions. Everyone can learn and pass on (helping others to learn), share their knowledge and/or learn how to do so.
There is no hierarchy of knowledge, no great knowledge or small knowledge. The important thing is to help everyone to identify their own knowledge and the means of passing it on to others, as well as developing their own demands.
3 days to enable each participant to :
Present the reciprocity approach
Explain the premise, principles and process of a reciprocal knowledge exchange network
Discover the dynamics of the Mouvement Français des Réseaux d'échanges réciproques de savoirs
Build operating tools
3 days to tackle :
The network's environment: social, geographical, political, etc.
The Réseaux d'échanges réciproques de savoirs charter: its values
Reciprocity in Knowledge Networks
Knowledge exchange methodology and teaching tools for identifying offers and requests, drawing up a table of offers and requests, learning how to put people in touch with each other, follow-up and assessment
Starting up and restarting a Knowledge Exchange Network
Setting up a management team: role and tasks
Inter-networks: linking up with other networks to build together.
How will it work?
timetable: 9am - 5pm
Who should attend? Anyone who wants to take part in this collective adventure.
It will only be possible to take part on Saturday and Sunday for people who work on Monday BUT it will be very frustrating not to be able to go all three days.
How much does it cost?
for volunteers who are future members of RERS de La Coudée: free participation
for volunteers from other associations: a contribution of €20/day/association (valid for a maximum of 3 people from the same association)
for employees of other associations: €50/day/person
Meals: packed lunch or shared lunch
Maximum 15 trainees
Registration required by Sunday 9 March